Our Summer Notebook will be specifically devoted to fun Summer projects and discoveries. It will be a notebook that we can easily access and pick up in the Summer whenever we want to record a fun discovery or experiment.
Our Summer Topics: This summer I will intentionally be focusing on...
1. Plants
2. Insects
3. Birds
Getting Started:
First, go to Walmart and purchase a spiral notebook, a composition notebook or a three ring binder that you can fill with blank computer paper. Then, explain to your kids that this is going to be their very own special Science Discovery Notebook where they will be able to keep all of their special Science discoveries throughout the Summer. I found that talking to my students about the importance of the notebook and getting them excited was key to the notebooks success. They truly treasured their notebooks! They treasured their notebooks, because we made it special from the beginning.
Sections of the Notebook:
- Pictures/Drawings: Early Learners will especially benefit from a place to draw pictures of the things that they discover. When you are drawing pictures with them, this is a great opportunity to teach them to label the parts of their pictures.
- Questions: Whatever the topic you are studying, leave room for kids to write down their questions. If they can't write yet, make sure you are recording down their questions for them and revisiting them as you learn together.
- Vocabulary Words: Somewhere in the notebook you should be recording new vocabulary terms. If your kids can't read yet you can write down the term for them and add a picture clue to help them remember the word that is written down. Quiz your kids on the terminology throughout the summer and see how many new "nature words" they can learn!
- Photos: I plan on letting the kids take pictures of the plants, birds and nature discoveries we find this summer. I will be printing their pictures and allowing them to organize picture collages of their finds. This is another way for them to take ownership over their discoveries and personalize their notebooks.
- I Learned...I like to give them a place in their entries to record or express what they learned. If you have young kids you can ask them to tell you their favorite fact about what you are talking about or record something that they found interesting.
Summer Notebooks are fun and flexible. I will be doing some very organized activities with the kids, but also some fun nature walk discoveries that allow them to record anything they please. These notebooks are a great way to continue talking about and experiencing Science in the Summer while you are going about your normal summer activities! The summer provides many great opportunities for outdoor learning and these notebooks will remind you to be intentional while you are outdoors with your kids! It's also a fun keepsake for you and your child to remember the Summer!
**Don't forget to take them on summer vacations, special hiking or nature trips, trips to the museum or even on the fishing boat! You will be surprised at how often they say, "We should write about that in our Science Notebook!!"
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