I am currently studying a book titled "The Scriptures Testify About Me, Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament." The book was edited by D.A. Carson, and includes eight chapters written by great theologians of our time who are taking various chapters and verses from the Old Testament and pointing us to Christ. Understanding the meta-narrative of the bible, meaning the "big picture story" from beginning to end is a task that overwhelms me. It is amazing to me how all of the scriptures whisper the name and person of Jesus.
I was not taught to study the bible this way and as an adult who is now seeking to understand the bible the way it was meant to be read...I am even more astounded with God and His provisions in the lives of His people all throughout history. And today.
The chapter we read this week was written by Allistair Begg and was about the book of Ruth. This truly is a beautiful story in many ways. I don't want to reflect on the entire book of Ruth here, but felt compelled to share the beautiful picture of marriage and sacrifice that Allistair Begg pulls out of this complicated love story.
He explains at the end of his message on Ruth that this book is a picture of marriage as God intended it to be. In Genesis 2:24 he quotes, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." He puts his own words here to explain the order in which God has designed for us to enter into a marriage covenant. He says a man should "leave, cleave and interweave" to his wife. We live in a culture that has deceived itself into believing that marriage is no longer to be seen this way or followed through in this order. In fact, marriage is now seen more as a formality than as God's Holy Ordinance.
Boaz understood this. When he was falling in love with Ruth and even had the chance to run away with her and marry her without lawful formality...he did not. He did what was right in the sight of God. As we read the book of Ruth and see that there was another man or "Kinsmen Redeemer" who had familial rights to Ruth and her family property we want Boaz to overstep his responsibility. We want to see them together and know that if he approaches this man and explains to him his rights that they might not end up together. Isn't their happiness to come first? Shouldn't he do whatever it takes to make sure he gets what he wants...takes it for his own?
Boaz does not take this approach. And in God's perfect providence we see that he did not need to. For what God intended to be...would be.
Boaz goes through the formalities and is still able to take Ruth for his wife. It cost Boaz to do what he did and it was a beautiful picture of Jesus and what He did for us. Boaz was a kinsmen redeemer and had to be related to do what he did for Ruth. Jesus our kinsmen redeemer became flesh and laid down His life (the greatest sacrifice) in order to save us from the wrath of God that was laid on us.
Boaz shared his bed with a penniless alien making her his bride and beneficiary. Jesus by redeeming us made us His bride and we the penniless aliens are now the beneficiaries.
Boaz provided for Ruth a future and a hope. Jesus has given us a future and is our only hope, for without Him there in no hope.
Allistair Begg ended his message with a quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a theologian, and martyr.
"Marriage is more than your love for each other. It has a higher dignity in part for it is Gods Holy ordinance. In your love you see only the heaven of your happiness. But in marriage you are placed at a post of responsibility towards the world and mankind. Your love is your own private possession but marriage is something more than personal. It is a status, it is an office that joins you together in the sight of God and in the sight of man."
God's purpose for marriage is great. It is not often easy, convenient, perfect, or neat. But through its hardship it draws us nearer to the One who has made us perfect through His sacrifice, and is neat in the sense that it is preparing us for the perfect marriage that is to be ours in Christ when we go to Heaven to be the perfect Bride of Christ. It's so much bigger than we have made it out to be...You can listen to both of these messages yourself and see the picture unfold.
Message from "The Scripture Testifies About Me"
Additional message by Allistair Begg
Very cool indeed. I'll have to listen. Love what you write. Keep writing!