I feel like the housework, and the teaching is so much to handle. And there are many days when I feel like I am trying desperately to lead my children and they are simply not having it. There are days where it feels like every effort that I make is a failed attempt and I just don't know what to do next. When I start feeling like this...I know where I need to turn. My efforts are to be a service for the Lord. If my efforts are for any other reason other than working to raise Godly children for His kingdom and give Him glory...I notice my feelings start to creep up and take over in a very unpleasant way.
This mom challenge has been daily encouraging me to grow as a mother. It has also forced me to dig deep into my heart and uncover the motivations behind why I do what I do as a mother. Right away on day one of the challenge I was greatly encouraged by the titled message "Not so quiet times."
I am a type A personality. I like it when my house is clean, and everything is in its place. I become easily agitated when my plans get changed or don't pan out the way I so carefully planned. You can imagine (or understand if you are a type A mother like me) how this has challenged me daily as a mother with four very young children. There are many things about my personality that I embrace and find wonderfully useful in the way I serve my family. But, there are many internal challenges I face daily as I am confronted with my sin.
Part of my personality (the neat and tidy part) likes it when I can have very structured productive quiet times. A hot cup of coffee, my bible with a notebook and pen, all laid out on the table while all of my kids are asleep. This is how I would prefer my quiet time to be. There are many days, by Gods grace, that this is the case for me. But, on the days when I can't get any quiet time in...not so good.
I have tried to go into the bathroom (alone) for a quick quiet time, but someone is always following me and pounding on the door. I have tried to have a quick quiet time while all the kids are playing nicely together in the other room, but someone always starts crying. I have even tried the trick of putting my apron over my head to find quiet time, but my kids think its a game and try to come under and play with me. So here was the message...
"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 46:10
Notice the first two words of this verse from the Psalms. It says "Be still"...not be quiet! In this message I read that the bible doesn't say that I have to be quiet. It says I have to be still. There is a difference! I must quote the line that touched me the most. "Quietness means putting the brakes on your life with your children. Stillness means taking some time to stop and acknowledge your need for God amidst the chaos."
Acknowledging my need for God is something that I can do with my kiddos! I am not saying that one should never have quiet times. But on an average day in my house, the reality is simply that there is no time for quiet time. When I am feeling frustrated or beaten down I can come before God with my kids and acknowledge my need for Him. There are times when I need to apologize to my kids for my anger or my frustration, but I usually go to God with my sinful behavior in private. I can come before God with my kids and in turn model for them all that our Savior wants from us...to be humble, to fear the Lord, and to trust Him in every moment and walk of life. I can pause at the kitchen counter or while I'm tossing clothes into the dryer and acknowledge my need for Him.
This really caused me to analyze the condition of my heart and the motivation behind my quiet time. I am often preforming a duty when I open my bible. I am trying to check off my quiet time on a list of things I need to get done. But, being still before my God and with my children causes me to check my heart in the moments of my life that are real and hard. Both in the chaos and in the joyful moments of my life I will come to him and be still. Acknowledging my need for Him in every day and in every moment of every day so that my work is not done in vain. I find my heart is joyful when I have still moments with God...not only quiet ones!
I challenge you moms...check out the mom challenge on the website above!
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