Oliver has started reading! I have chosen to begin Oliver's reading journey with the Hooked on Phonics reading program. This learning approach has been really great for Oliver. Because Oliver is only 4 1/2 years old we are not trying to rush through this process but rather enjoy doing it together. I would like to share some of the phonics games and activities that we have been doing together during our reading time.
To begin our reading time we usually go over all of the "sight words" that we have been reviewing for the week. They are displayed in a pocket chart on the wall by our table. Then we review some of the words he is learning by reading some fun "word family" poetry that I have created.
Oliver and I go through the poem together and highlight the words that he knows. We read it together several times and focus on vocabulary, fluency and expression. We keep the poetry in a binder and it is another great place for Oliver and I to go when he feels like reading!
Teaching Tip: Right now my main focus is to make reading enjoyable for him. We spend a lot of time re-reading the stories that make him feel like a successful reader and give him a positive reading experience. When children are first learning to read keep your learning periods short and give them a lot of positive feedback. If something becomes too difficult don't be afraid to back up and review what they already know.
Phonics Poems
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